We invite you to drop in, check out our plans and reach out with any comments or questions during our Community Consultation (being held 24 June to 5 August) for the proposed Concessional Lease Variation and design and siting of a retirement village at Federal Golf Club. Over this six week period we will be holding four information sessions that will be held in person and online (key details provided further below).
This Community Consultation also includes the presentation of more detailed information regarding the proposal including concept plans, proposed materials / finishes and perspective drawings. You will be able to find all these drawings on the active&connected website from the 24th June.

Information sessions during Community Consultation
Open invitation: Wednesday 28 June 2023 from 5.30pm Federal Golf Club
Online session 1: Thursday 29 June 2023 from 5.30pm via Zoom
Online session 2: Wednesday 26 July 2023 from 12.30pm via Zoom
Public forum: Wednesday 2 August 2023 from 7pm Woden Community Council
Please register your interest to attend a session via email at taniaparkes@taniaparkes.com.au nominating which sessions you would like to attend. We will email you a Zoom link and other details prior to the session.