We continue to move forward in consultation with the community
Consultation on our proposal has been ongoing since 2016 with a heavy focus on local environmental matters and discussions with local community groups. These discussions, particularly those relating to the Red Hill Nature Reserve and environmental corridors, have resulted in significant modifications to the initial ideas for the proposal.
The Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate (EPSDD) released its report on the Community Panel process. Six community groups also prepared a combined report on the Community Panel process. This report, including Federal’s responses, can be found here.
Federal letterbox dropped 8,000 homes and held drop-in sessions to answer questions and discuss views within the community. The outcomes of these sessions and all of our consultation to that point was summarised in a report which can be read here.
Federal is invited by the EPSDD to contribute to the newly initiated Integrated Plan for the Red Hill Nature Reserve and Surrounds (Red Hill Integrated Plan). The Red Hill Integrated Plan is in response to a resolution of the Legislative Assembly in October 2017. Federal provides its entire proposal, including designs and detailed technical reports that were prepared at the community’s request.
Jul-Oct 2017
Before preparing any development application documentation, Federal opted-in to the then new Community Panel process and held a series of presentations and panel meetings to develop the form of our proposal in consultation with the community. This process involved testing multiple locations and footprints that Federal could contain wholly within its site, and ultimately led to a proposal centred on the existing cleared area around the clubhouse, car park and practice facilities. You see our presentations here and further details relating to key concerns expressed by some community groups here.
Nov 2017
Dec 2017
Feb 2018
Oct 2018
Federal choses to self-refer its proposal to the Department of the Environment and Energy to determine whether or not it will need formal assessment and approval under the EPBC Act. A decision is made to wait to further progress this and related applications for clubhouse site proposal while the Red Hill Integrated Plan is being prepared.
The ACT Government releases a discussion note that includes a draft map, considerations and proposed directions for the Red Hill Integrated Plan. This discussion note is the first indication that development of a retirement village at the southern the end of the site is the preferred planning outcome.
The ACT Government releases a comprehensive draft of the Red Hill Integrated Plan including professional ecological and traffic assessments. This report reaffirmed the recommendation that Federal be permitted to apply for the development of an up to 125 dwelling retirement community at the southern end of the site, finding that “the site is of a sufficient size to protect the ecological values, maintain an 18-hole golf course and allow a low impact development”. You can find the draft Red Hill Integrated Plan and accompanying traffic report here.
Sep 2019
Neighbouring residents are invited by Federal to attend a discussion on the recently released discussion note. Federal acknowledges the importance of the ecological corridors and visual amenity provided by the existing golf holes next to adjoining homes and immediately committed to no development in this area. You can find the invitation to this meeting here and the subsequent confirmation of our commitments here.
Sep 2019
Nov-Dec 2019
The ACT Government undertakes an independent and comprehensive 7-week community engagement process that includes an online survey, local drop-in sessions and email submissions. The engagement confirmed support for the recommendation which provides for Federal to develop a 125 dwelling retirement village at the southern portion of our site, with evidence that more participants supported than opposed this recommendation across every engagement type. You can find the Government’s report on this engagement here.
Nov 2019
Along with the six community groups Red Hill Regenerators, the Garran and Hughes Residents’ Action Group, the Conservation Council ACT, the Friends of Hughes Grassy Woodland, the Friends of Grasslands and the Deakin Residents’ Association, Federal co-signs a letter addressed to the Minister for Planning and Land Management that demonstrates collective support for the draft Red Hill Integrated Plan.
Mar 2021
Jun 2021
The ACT Government considers and agrees to a final Integrated Plan for the Red Hill Nature Reserve (Red Hill Integrated Plan). This plan provides certainty over the long term protection of the Red Hill environment. You can find a copy of the Plan here.
Federal gives a presentation to interested members of the Garran Residents’ Association and Club members on the possible golf course changes that would accommodate the recommendations of the Red Hill Integrated Plan. You can find the presentation and accompanying statement from the Club President here.
Jul 2021
Jul 2022
Federal elects to self refer under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act 1999. The Minister for the Environment determines that the proposed development is not likely to have a significant impact on a matter protected under national environment law. You can find the notification of the decision here.
Oct 2022
Federal applies to the ACT Conservator of Flora and Fauna for an Environmental Significance Opinion (ESO) regarding the proposed retirement village, water infrastructure, golf course and associated works. The ESO states that the development proposal is unlikely to cause a significant adverse environmental impact. The ESO can be found here.
Oct-Dec 2022
Draft Variation 384 was shared for public consultation in October 2022 over a 6 week period. Over 500 submissions were received by EPSDD with the majority of individual and community group submissions in support of the proposed variation.
May 2023
The Minister for Planning approves Plan Variation 384 with the commencement date set for 9 June 2023. The variation amends precinct maps and codes consistent with the RHIP - recommendation 7. This includes future development for a retirement village at the Federal golf course with access off Kitchener St and the rezoning of 10Ha of land considered to be of high ecological value. You can find details of the Plan Variation here.
Jun-Aug 2023
Pre-DA consultation for the proposed concessional lease variation and retirement village design and siting is undertaken.
You can find more details here.
Learn more about how our proposal will benefit the community here
A proposal was presented to the members of Federal Golf Club and a vote was taken on whether to proceed with developing a seniors living proposal with chosen partner Mbark. This vote was passed with a strong majority.
Jun 2016
Jul 2016
Following preliminary consultation with community members, a summary of concerns raised during these early discussions was presented in a letter that 10 community groups signed and sent to the Minister for Planning and Land Management on 3 July 2016. You can read a copy of this letter here. Our first response to this letter can be read here and a further update to that response in late 2017 can be found here.